
First off, I want to thank you for stopping by the blog and reading up on what I share! I’ve loved to write ever since I was in elementary school when I had poems and songs scribbled on scraps of paper all around the house. Now I get to share parts of my life with you, the readers, and hopefully bring some value to your life through homemaking tips, healthy living, and delicious recipes! 

Here at The Shupp House, we are a family of two. My husband, Caleb, and I have been married and living in his hometown near Nashville, TN for over 3 years. I am a Georgia native representing my roots strong with bare feet and my sweet drawl, or so the locals tell me.  

The Shupps

When my church camp romance and I got married three years ago, we were both 20 years old and working on college degrees. Though I grew up in a homeschool family of 8, it was my first plunge into really being a homemaker after all the years of watching my mother do it. I discovered so much about myself in those early days and it became such an outlet of creativity for me.  

After struggling through health issues in year 2 of marriage and getting diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune thyroid disorder, I saw how much of what I did as a homemaker flowed from my wellbeing and I knew I needed to get things under control. It’s been a long journey and I’m still not there yet, but learning about my body and how to holistically heal through food and lifestyle has given me the hope for a brighter future. 

While we have dreams of one day owning land and raising children on The Shupp Homestead, cows are a little too big and needy for our 1/3 of an acre just inside the city limits. So for now, I content myself with gardening, sourdough baking, and hopefully backyard chickens come spring…still trying to convince the man on that one. 

about Anna Shupp

I have 5 siblings, my brother is the oldest and there are 5 girls. We range from 34 to 12! 

I have a B.S. in Biology, concentrated in Genetics and Biotechnology. I work as a full-time lab analyst at an environmental laboratory. 

My biggest passions are for pregnancy, birth and postpartum. My life dream is to be a home birth midwife, and I plan to start classes in Fall 2022! 

I trained classically for 14 years in piano and now I teach people of all ages! 

If I can do it naturally and holistically, that’s the way it will be. Health comes first for me, and my wallet not too far behind- I was raised by a penny pincher! 

My biggest hope is that you learn something every time you’re here on the blog, no matter how small it may be. My life has been shaped by learning and I am always striving to find a new skill or create something different. So join me as we learn and create together, filling our bellies, our heads, and our hearts to the brim with food, knowledge, and love. 

All with a side of simple, Southern living and happy homemaking.